
We can provide expertise in the following areas in designing chips:

  • Digital and Mixed Signal Design
  • IO and ESD Design
  • Padring Design including Power Cells
  • Full Digital and Analog PLL
  • Specialized IO Cells like USB, I2C, I2S, LVDS, PCIX and others
  • Synopsis Design Compiler and Logic Synthesis Tool
  • SCAN Test hardware schemes
  • JTAGdesign
  • Static and Dynamic timing analysis like Primetime, Timemill, pathmill and others. Power analysis tool like spice and Powermill.
  • Familiarity with Hspice, Smartspice, Pspice., Mcspice, Mtime.
  • HDL languages: Verilog, VHDL, N.2
  • Cadence, Mentor Graphics, and Silvaco schematic entry tools
  • Various new and old Layout tools

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